
Designer's Collection


RED VELVET 아티스트 chocolate_2종 요약정보 및 구매

1박스엔 멤버 실사 초콜릿 5개와 로고 초콜릿 1개 그리고 실사 아크릴 마그넷 6종 중 1개(랜덤)가 들어 있습니다.

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

Reviews 0
Sale Price 17,000won
제조사 (주)피케이글로벌
원산지 국내산(초콜릿 _ 벨기에산)
브랜드 모어댄초콜릿
Size 6 Unit
Concept art
Designer name HYBE
Point 0point
Delivery fee delivery fees seperate


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    영유아식 또는 체중조절식품 등에 해당하는 경우 표시광고 사전심의필 Refer to product page
    수입식품에 해당하는 경우 “식품위생법에 따른 수입신고를 필함”의 문구 Refer to product page
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  • Shipping/Exchange


    Orders placed before 1pm will be shipped the same day.
    Most (95%) of products can be picked up the next day after they are shipped by CJ Logistics courier service.
    Please note that the delivery time for islands and mountainous areas varies by 2-3 days, and there may be a delay of 1-2 days during periods of high volume.

    Moredan Chocolate is packaged securely as shown below, so order with confidence.
    1. Put the chocolate in the inner packaging box.
    2. Cover the inner packaging lid.
    3. Put the inner carton into the outer carton.
    4. After packing the chocolate box tightly in bubble wrap, it is shipped in a shipping box.


    Since Moredan Chocolate is a food product, it is difficult to refund products that have been shipped out.
    Please make a careful purchase by considering the delivery schedule before purchasing.
    However, if there is a defect in the product, it can be exchanged.


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